The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: An Unusual Gratitude exercise

Before we transition into 2024, I share with you this powerful exercise, it intends to remind us of how perfectly imperfect we are, and to guide us into an experience of deeper gratitude:

  1. The first step is to open up your calendar or planner to January 2023.

  2. Take a separate paper sheet and divide it into 2 columns.

  3. In the first column, you're going to title it: I'm proud of myself because I overcame: _________. Write down one thing that brought you pain or uncertainty during that month, and do the same for the following months. In the words of Mel Robbins “When gratitude is genuine, it gives space for the negative”.

  4. In the other column, the title will be: I celebrate myself greatly because I achieved: _________. Here you will write down those victories, big or small, whatever made you feel fulfilled and happy during each month.

  5. At the end, cut out all the phrases and place them ALL inside your gratitude star (download your template created by @florencia.paper here or use your own cofrecito. You can continue filling it throughout the next year, month by month.

Typically, when we review our year, we don't tend to write down or intentionally remember the events that hurt us, “the ugly parts of life”.

But amiga, just remember that all our experiences, the tough times, and those winning moments have both shaped who we are now.

My wish for you is that you feel so proud of the woman you are today because you have been through a lot becoming her.


Happy 2024 amigas!

Let me know in the comments if this resonated with you in any way!

- Mar Reyes